Previous exhibitions

On 13 August 2021, Art Gallery Linn opened its doors for the first time. Over the years, we have had varied exhibitions of visual arts and handicrafts. In August Art Gallery Linn celebrates our 3 year anniversary.


Separate exhibition "Earthforce" with paintings by Sverre Schyberg Olsen.

Exhibition "New connections" with sculptures in wood by Marianne Berg.

Separate exhibition "Mitt Sørland 2" with paintings by Dag Telhaug.

Exhibition "Kråkeboller" sculptures in stone and bronze by Barbro Raen Thomassen.

Summer exhibition 2024 "Prisms, Portals and Curtains" with paintings by Marius Martinussen.



Summer exhibition 2023 with sculptural objects in ceramics with Gro Suvatne and Katrine Bragdø.

Winter exhibition 2023-2024 "In Search of Memories" with sculptures in metal by Monica and Benjamin Kjellman-Chapin.



Summer exhibition 2022 with drawings by Olga Grimsmo Nilsen and glass objects by Tuva Gonsholt.



Opening exhibition with paintings by Pia Andersen (DK), Maxwell Boadi (GHA), Sara De Christopher (USA), Knut Frigstad, Inge Jensen, Michael Rieu, Dag Telhaug, Anne Vilsbøll (DK).

Duo exhibition with sculptures and paintings by Michael Rieu and paintings by Sara De Christopher (USA).